Saturday, September 29, 2012

Day One in Delaware

Day One of the Mid Atlantic Regional Gesneriad Show, Sale and Symposium was all about the Show. In the morning, exhibitors arrived and submitted their entries into the Show.  Each entry was placed in the correct Class in accordance with the show schedule.  In the afternoon, teams of judges reviewed each entry -- scoring, commenting, and awarding as appropriate.

This Show includes some stellar examples of the gesneriad family, and is open to the public from 10-4 on Sunday September 30, 2012, at Townsend Hall, 531 South College Avenue, University of Delaware, Newark, DE.

Judges in the show room, scoring and commenting on the entries:

Mid-Atlantic Regional Gesneriad Show

The sales table during setup:

Mid-Atlantic Regional Gesneriad Show

Partial view of the showroom:
