Sunday, July 12, 2009

Classes 13A and 13B - other flowering rhizomatous New World

SECTION B - New World Gesneriads in Flower - Rhizomatous

Class 13 was split into two. Click through for photos of all plants in both A and B. (Go straight to the slideshow.)

Class 13A Other rhizomatous gesneriads

Entry No. 185, Amalophyllon clarkii, exhibited by Jo Anne Martinez. Score: 97. First Place.
Entry No. 434, Amalophyllon rupestre, exhibited by Charlene Marietti. Score: 93. Second Place.

Class 13B Other rhizomatous gesneriads

Entry No. 249, Pearcea hypocyrtiflora, exhibited by Nancy Kast. Score: 97. First Place.
Entry No. 223, Pearcea, exhibited by Jay Sespico. Score: 90. Second Place.
Entry No. 122, Gloxinia 'Dragonsong', exhibited by Carol Hamelink. Score: 86. Third Place.

Gloxinia 'Dragonsong' is one of quite a few hybrids by local chapter members. Jim Roberts wrote about this cross in the March 2007 issue of Petal Tones.

(Navigating Photo sizes in the slideshow view are larger than the standard page-by-page view. While in slideshow, you can click on the photo to see the description. Wherever possible, I've included info from the judging sheets in the descriptions - for educational and informational purposes.)


  1. Great presentation of photos from the convention (and the photos themselves are wonderful too!)

    John B.

  2. One thing to know about Dragonsong--it's fragrant! it's scent can be strong--if your'e a few feet from it you wonder where the lovely scent is coming from.
