Monday, February 14, 2011

Gleanings, The Gesneriad Society's e-newsletter

I just read the latest issue Gleanings, the monthly online newsletter of The Gesneriad Society (that's our parent organization, the international society).  This publication is new (not quite a year old yet) and free, and should be on the required reading list for gesneriad growers.  Check out the February 2011 issue to see photos of Nancy Kast's growing areas and read about ongoing research on Diastema and Monopyle (two gesneriad genera). Also included is a reprint from Gesneriads, the Society's quarterly journal (for paid members), on different types of gesneriad seeds and how to collect and store them. We contributed with a few photos on the front page of Chirita 'Dreamtime', a big plant hybridized right here in DC.