Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Next meeting: March 12, 2011 at the National Arboretum

Our next meeting is Saturday, March 12, at the U.S. National Arboretum in Washington, DC. Doors open at 10:30, program starts at 11:00. The topic is growing Saintpaulia for show.

This one is Saintpaulia 'Zima Ulybaetsia', exhibited at the Mid Atlantic Violet Society Show in 2008:

Sp Zima Ulybaetsia

When are our future meetings? You can find the dates online. Info on the next meeting is on our website and more detail is in the newsletter, Petal Tones (the PDF edition). A list of all dates for the year are on this page and also on this Google calendar. (The Google calendar might be importable into your computer/smartphone - there aren’t that many dates on it so it won’t overwhelm your calendar.) And finally we usually post here on this blog and tweet the meeting dates too.