Friday, July 22, 2011

Sinningia 'John Fyfe'

Yesterday's post featured Sinningia 'John Fyfe', a hybrid by David Zaitlin.  As explained on the educational card entered with the plant at the 2011 Convention, this hybrid is several generations (self and sibling crosses) down from (Sinningia 'Ozark Scentimental Journey' x Sinningia speciosa 'Carangola').

Coincidentally, Sinningia 'Ozark Scentimental Journey' was in the 2011 Convention - here it is, exhibited by Charlene Marietti:

Sinningia 'Ozark Scentimental Journey'

And Sinningia speciosa 'Carangola' was exhibited by Ben Paternoster at the 2009 Convention of The Gesneriad Society:

Sinningia speciosa 'Carangola'

Here is Sinningia 'John Fyfe' one more time:

Sinningia 'John Fyfe'