Thursday, August 25, 2011

more from the 2011 Convention

Yes, there's more. Some group photographs today.

This first one is a photo of the class of trained or sculptured gesneriads: the Mitraria coccinea in the center was exhibited by Michael Riley; the Chirita 'Bridal Veil' on the left, by Paul Kroll; and the Columnea 'Gold Heart' (reverted) on the right was exhibited by Charlene Marietti.

Trained or Sculptured Gesneriads

This next photograph is one entry: a Chirita Collection by Nancy Kast. The tall one in the back is Chirita linearifolia. Continuing clockwise, there is 'Aiko', gemella (the small one on the lower front right), 'Rachel' in bloom, and sinensis 'Hisako' on the left.

Chirita Collection by Nancy Kast

And this last one is an entry in one of the commercial classes, a group of Streptocarpus from Gary Hunter (Hunter's Greenhouse).

Commercial Display by Gary Hunter