Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Seemannia and August newsletter

If you attended the Convention in Philadelphia, you may have seen John Boggan talk about Seemannia:


Well, that slide is actually John talking about "Chirita" being extinct. (That is to say, name changes are being rolled out.  Look for more on this in a future issue of The Gesneriad Society's journal, Gesneriads.)

This one is more on point:
John Boggan speaking about Seemannia at The Gesneriad Society Convention 2011

Read more from John Boggan in the August 2011 issue of our newsletter, Petal Tones (the PDF edition). You can also see photographs of John's Seemannia on screen via this link (and note the begonias!). In particular, check out the photo below, which features his new hybrids 'Big Red', 'Little Red', 'Red Prince' and 'Dark Prince' - click through and read the description:
