Thursday, September 8, 2011

entry forms now online for the 9/17-18, 2011 show

Now that the entry form and show schedule (PDFs) are online, let me point out that you do not need to be a member of The Gesneriad Society to submit an entry. You also don't need to be a member of the local chapter, the National Capital Area Chapter. The first time I participated, I wasn't a member of either. (I have such fond memories of my first show! More on that later.)

Tray Landscape
Tray Landscape by Lee Linett at the 2010 Show.

Just what do you need to qualify?

Well, to enter a plant into our show, you need:
- a live gesneriad plant
- that has been in your care for at least the past 3 months
- and is free of pests or disease.

That's the basics - you can check out the full rules in the show schedule. Your plant will have to be placed into one of the show classes: the classes are explained in the show schedule too.

There are also classes for photographs, dish gardens, terrariums, and arrangements (all featuring gesneriads).*

The entries are scored by judges, and we have prizes. Yes, prizes!**

My first show? Well, umm.... I don't remember it at all, actually. My miniature African Violet (and maybe there was another plant?) was picked up and delivered to the show by a friend. It came back with a ribbon and an award - an out-of-print book on gesneriads. (I'm sure they were very generous in scoring my novice entry! There classes reserved for novices - people who have never won a blue ribbon.)

So... do you grow plants?  Got any gesneriads?

*Entries in the arrangements classes require pre-registration, and I'm sorry to say the deadline has passed.
**The Best Gesneriad in Show award is limited to members of either The Gesneriad Society or our local Chapter.