In case you haven't heard, registration is open for this year's The Gesneriad Society Convention, which will take place during the first week of July in Seattle, Washington. Get details here. The earlier you register, the earlier you can get into the sales room. (How's that for incentive?)
On other news, for those of you who haven't subscribed (yet), the January 2012 issue of The Gesneriad Society's free electronic newsletter, Gleanings, is available for download. In this issue: a visit to Lyndon Lyon's greenhouses, Streptocarpus photographs from the U.K., and propagating rhizomatous gesneriads from rhizome scales.
And to close out this post, a random gesneriad photo - Streptocarpus 'Peachy Pink', exhibited in 2010 by Brian Connor as part of a Streptocarpus collection: