Tuesday, March 8, 2011

planning for the Convention yet?

Yes, yes, it's still only March, last frost hasn't passed, and July seems like a long long way away.  But it's time to start planning entries for The Gesneriad Society's Convention in Philadelphia.

The first deadline to note is:
All plants must be grown by the exhibitor and have been in the exhibitor's care for at least 3 months prior to the show. That means the cut off is very early in April.

Early registrations must be made online by midnight of or postmarked by April 15, 2011 to take advantage of the 10% discount on meals, activities, trips and purchases. Also, entry to the sales room is in registration order so the earlier you register....

Reservations are required for the artistic and arts entries, as well as commercial and educational entries.  Although the deadline is June 20, 2011, space is limited. These are the arrangements, terrariums, plantings, photographs, and other arts and crafts representing gesneriads.
For details, check out the various PDFs on The Gesneriad Society's Convention page.

Class 64 Tray Landscape (under 12") entries in 2009:

Entries No. 502 and 271