On May 6-7, 2011, the Baltimore African Violet Club held its annual judged show and plant sale.
Here is a lovely Chirita 'Patina' shown by Andrew Norris. In the sunlight, you can see the red hairs on the leaves that distinguish this hybrid from other Chiritas. 'Patina' is one of Peter Shalit's unique hybrids using C. sclerophylla as a parent.
In addition to his wonderful Chiritas and Petrocosmeas, Andrew showed a charming little Pearcea hypocyrtiflora:
Petrocosmea flaccida
Saintpaulia shown by Marie Burns always seem near perfection. Note the symmetry and the consistency of the leaf size and color. The leaves lie flat and none stick out at the wrong angle. For the variegated semi-mini, the variegation in the leaves is evenly distributed without extreme disparity.
Saintpaulia 'Cherry Frosting'
Saintpaulia 'Robs Kitten Caboodle'
And Marie showed some large Streptocarpus hybrids as well....
Streptocarpus 'Raspberry Network'
Streptocarpus 'Bristol's Solar Wind'
More to come....