Wednesday, June 24, 2009

we're live!

As announced in the July issue of Petal Tones, we now have a blog space to go with the newsletter. Final Convention preparations are underway, and the weather forecast is looking good!


  1. It is after midnight and my plant lights have shut off. This means it is time to go to sleep, but I could not resist posting after seeing Ki's email. Night, night.

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  3. Hi all, I want to encourage you to submit plants into the show. We all have the fear that our plants aren't good enough, they don't have enough blooms, or they won't measure up to entries by Bill Price or Dale Martens.

    Don't let that stop you. It's unlikely you will have the same plant they do. And even if you do, so what? Convention is so much more exciting if you actually have something in the show. If you don't enter that plant that you are considering entering you will kick yourself when you see that someone else has entered that plant and yours is sitting at home looking better!

    Remember that the more plants in the show the more variety, and thus the better show.

    OK, I'm going to take my own advice and see if I can't talk a couple more plants into "taking the stage".

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