Thursday, July 2, 2009

behind the scenes and Wednesday notes

I had a sneak peak in the sales prep room today. I'm not going to give anything away, except that there are a lot a lot a lot of plants.

Oh wait, that's the wrong photo. Those are the boxes to be filled by the shoppers. The second photo is the one of the plants.

You didn't think I'd really give anything away, did you? Let's just say, most of these blurry brown things are boxes of plants, and behind them are more plants......

On a more practical note, I found out today (my first day at the Convention) that there is a garage across the street from the Hilton, with an entrance on Spring. From what I saw, you need to feed the meter with coins - 75c/hour, and the spot I was in had a max of 3 hrs. After 7pm, it's free.

I missed the Selby session, but heard that they handed out a survey asking what genera people have grown. I'm very interested in the results of that survey. I did make the GHA meeting, which was wonderful - hope to have more on that later.

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